I worked at SACRED GROVES, AUROVILLE for six months of internship under Ar.Manu Gopalan to learn about construction…….. Least I knew was that construction was just a part of the learning. I had never envisioned BUILDING taking form in this way, a way that celebrates understanding amongst people,teamwork, patience, valuing each material and a spirit that treats everybody as the same.
It felt good to give in each muscle of my body, to feel the pain in them and to know that they have been for a good cause. The joy is indescribable.
Sometimes I learnt skills at handling reinforcements and sometimes about handling people. The masons, volunteers and interns, have helped me grow, and be more and more selfless.
It was a place where I could experiment, where my ideas were paid attention to, and a space where everyone realized their own potential towards a better living environment.

The brainchild of Manu,EartHauz Architecture and Design firm,since 2004,has been committed to the conception and construction of built environment that is ecological,site-specific,climatically responsive and respectful of traditions.